What is Cursor in SQL Server with Example

o use cursor in sql server that syntax will be like as shown below

Syntax to Create Cursor

FOR selectstatement -- like SELECT OrderID,CustomerID FROM Orders
OPEN cursor
FETCH tablerow FROM cursor
Process Fetched Tablerow
CLOSE cursor
If you observe above syntax we have different steps in cursor

Step 1: Declare Cursor

First we need to declare cursor name that will be used in cursor execution

Step 2: Select Statement

Select statement is used to get data from table to process with cursor

Step 3: Open Cursor

This statement is used to open the cursor to process select statement result set

Step 4: Fetch Rows

Once cursor is opened, rows can be fetched from the cursor one by one

Step 5: Close Cursor

Once our process finished we need to close the cursor

Step 6: Deallocate Cursor

We need to deallocate cursor to delete cursor definition and release resources associated with the cursor

We will check this with example for that first create one table UserDetails in your database and insert some 100 or 200 records or install northwind database in your server and use orders table it contains more than 500 records


Write cursor script like as shown below and run it.

FOR SELECT OrderID,CustomerID FROM Orders
OPEN ex_cursor
FETCH NEXT FROM ex_cursor INTO @oid,@cname
PRINT  (CAST(@oid AS VARCHAR(5)) + '-' + @cname)
FETCH NEXT FROM ex_cursor INTO @oid,@cname
CLOSE ex_cursor
DEALLOCATE ex_cursor

When we run above query our results like as shown below
