Showing posts from May, 2015

UTF8 Encrypt Decrypt in asp.Net

Imports System.Configuration Imports System.Security.Cryptography Imports System.IO Public Class Encrypt #Region "…

GetIPAddress in

Public Shared Function GetIPAddress() As String         Try             Return HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVaria…

GetRandomNumber in

Public Shared Function GetRandomNumber() As String         Dim rand As New Random()         Dim newpassword As New Str…

Introduction to

According to Microsoft, "ASP.NET is a technology for building powerful, dynamic Web applications a…

Disable right click on web page and images

Sometimes it is required to prevent your web page images from being copied by another one. You can secu…

Turn off Custom Errors in Web.config

Some times after hosting web application on the server, we get unexpected error as shown in the below fig. But we …

Difference Between GridView and DataGrid and ListView

Difference between GridView and DataGrid GridView DataGrid It was introduced with Asp.Net 2.0. It was int…

Understanding Detailed Architecture of ASP.NET 4.5

Components of Asp.NET 4.5 Architecture .NET Framework .Net framework is an integrated component of windows opera…

A brief version history of ASP.NET

ASP.NET Framework is a part of .NET framework. It is used to create dynamic website, web application an…

Step by Step Tutorial to backup database in SQL Server Management Studio 2005, 2008, 2008R2 and 2012

In this article I will provide a step by step tut…

Simple Insert Update and Delete Triggers in SQL Server with example

In this article I will explain with simple example…

Simple Cursor Tutorial with Syntax example in SQL Server

In this article I will provide a tutorial with simpl…

What is Stored Procedure in SQL Server, how to create and use a Stored Procedure and its Advantages

In this article I will explain what is Stored Pro…

Reduce Page size Compress HTML,CSS,JS

Place below code in Web config <httpCompression>       <scheme name="gzip" dll="%Windir%\sys…

ASP.NET 5 is a significant redesign of ASP.NET.

ASP.NET, MVC, and Web Pages are now merged into a single framework named MVC 6. It includes the following featur…

Sql querys

SQL SELECT Statement: SELECT column1, column2....columnN F­­­­­ROM table_name; SQL DISTINCT Clause: …